How To Consign

Applying is quick and easy:

  1. Fill Out An Application. Applications can be requested via email ‘’, or completed in our office. This is a quick 2-page contract that goes over everything you need to know before you consign.

  2. Drop Off Your Items. Once you are signed up, contact us to book a date for the items to be brought in. Bringing the items to us is the responsibility of the Consignor. If you require a moving company we are happy to provide suggestions. We have a working relationship with both Calculated Moving and Shortline Moving.

  3. Get Paid! Your job is done. We handle the rest. Photos, pricing, selling, customer questions, shipping and payment. Expect your first batch of items to be live for auction within weeks of them being dropped off. Receive your cheque and detailed invoice in the mail within two weeks of the auction closing, or come pick it up from our office once it’s ready.

If you want detailed information about your lots and our auction schedule, we are available Monday - Friday to answer any questions you have.

Reach out today to start your application!

Neighbourhood Auctions takes a commission depending on the value of goods brought in.
The percentage we charge is listed below.

These rates apply to the final bid amount on each individual lot.

Consignment Rates

Sold Value: Service Fee:

  • $1 - $9 100%

  • $10 - $50 35%

  • $51 - $300 25%

  • $301 - $1000 20%

  • $1,001 - $5,000 15%

  • $5,001+ 10%

Your items will be evaluated and categorized by our knowledgeable staff into auction listings, which are called ‘lots’.

  • A lot is any one item or bundle of items put into a single listing.

Everything must go. We are proud to boast a 95% SOLD auction every single week.

If you have any questions about the consignment process,
please refer to our FAQ page, or contact us!